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Celebrity Anecdotes - Read by Eleanor

Updated: Apr 8, 2023

A series of short excerpts from the 2007 book Sixty Funny Stories. A collection of autobiographical anecdotes and recollections from an eventful life. Plus a touching tribute to her late partner Harry - also known as Peachy. BBFC age-rating: 18+.

Part 1

Obsessing over Robert Maxwell, agonising Marjorie Proops

Part 2

Competing with Liz Taylor, swearing at Stanley Kubrick, annoying John Gielgud and upsetting the Russian police in Moscow.

Part 3 - Not a funny story!

A sad story about Eleanor's common-law husband - a perfect gentlemen in every sense of the word - whom she married in 1977.

When I am faced with horror or tragedy, the only way I can deal with it is by the use of manic black humour.

Part 4 - saying goodbye to peachy

The funeral of Eleanor's partner, her attempted suicide and subsequent hallucinations.

"my pulse did not appear to be working"

book cover
Published 2007


This book is mostly an outrageous recollection of the joys and oddities of the media tycoons, the rich and the famous in Britain, America and Russia.

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