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Books by Eleanor Berry


The Revenge of Miss Rhoda Buckleshott
This book humorously examines a mad upper class school mistress's fall from grace. Rhoda Buckleshott is sacked from her school for teaching her pupils to write prosaic antiquated English. The word "yes" is not permitted, only the words "I feel bound to reply in the affirmative". A sick basin is referred to as an "appropriate precautionary receptacle". The book wittily describes Rhoda Buckleshott's escalating acts of revenge against the headmistress, some funny, others wickedly and chillingly unpleasant.
"This book is not a war of cannon and gun-fire. It is a war of the finest medium we can fight with - the English word. Words are Eleanor Berry's toys and her use of them is boundless."
- M.Hickman, PhD, Freelance Journalist, Historian & Writer.
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